Don’t put the saying on the back burner – work on the long table

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Apprentice Electronics Engineer EFZ Philipp Gurtner.

An individual project work (IPA) that has it all

Philipp Gurtner joined TrueDyne for the 4th year of apprenticeship. In our small team the conditions for the intensive support of an IPA are optimal. This year, however, everything is different. Instead of briefly asking a colleague for advice over the desk, he has to find himself and his supervisors virtually new.

Due to the Covid 19 situation Philipp Gurtner now has to deal with new work in addition. This is a lesson that he can certainly use in his professional career.

« Man should learn, only the oxen cram. »
Erich Kästner

Thank you for your commitment in this not so easy time. We are looking forward to welcoming you (hopefully) soon back in the office.

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Picture credit Erich Kästner: Basch, […] / Opdracht Anefo, Erich Kästner 1961, cutt-of from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0