Monitoring of welding gas mixtures

For a strong weld seam, the gases used must be correctly mixed. However, mechanical valves can move, leaks or mix-ups can lead to the mixing ratio no longer being correct. Up to now, it has only been possible to check the gas used by random sampling. With the TrueDyne sensor you can monitor the quality of your welding gas directly in the process. With the density data and with the help of tables and calculation algorithms, the concentration of the gases used can be precisely determined and reported to the customer.
1. welding device. 2. gas mixer which mixes the gases used for welding. 3. TrueDyne’s DGF-I1 density sensor measures the density of the gas mixture directly in the process. If this deviates from the nominal value, the process can be interrupted immediately. Thanks to the ongoing quality control of the gas used, you can weld without rejects.
Sensors for this application
Density sensor DGF-I1 for gases
Measure the density of a gas directly in the gas pipe or in the gas tank: This is made possible by the DGF-I1 density sensor from TrueDyne. The heart of the sensor is a micromechanical system (MEMS system) with an oscillator in the form of a tuning fork. For the measurement, the metal housing surrounding the MEMS system is filled with the medium. The natural frequency of the oscillator varies depending on the density of the gas surrounding it. In order to compensate for temperature effects, a platinum resistor is built into the sensor, which precisely measures the local temperature.
Data sheet
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