Wink of Knowledge: High Density Media – DLO Density Meter for Liquids

Wink of Knowledge: High Density Media – DLO Density Meter for Liquids

Wink of Knowledge: High Density Media – DLO Density Meter for Liquids

Volume 2 | Number 3

Why this test?

The measurements carried out show that our DLO measures very precisely even in media with a density far above the previously specified maximum value.

What is a wink of knowledge?

Do you know the need to have to sometimes measure, draw or do something quickly? The speed to the result counts more than the perfect (scientific) approach. For this reason, we have introduced a wink of knowledge. Science with a wink, so to speak. We don’t want to prove anything scientifically, but quickly demonstrate something pragmatically. If you are interested, we would be happy to discuss these results in more detail with you and your project.

What liquids were used?

• Tetrachloroethylene (Carl Roth, item no.: 4737.1)

Tetrachloroethylene, C2Cl4

  • Carl Roth, item no.: 4737.1
  • Molar mass: 165.83 g/mol
  • Density: 1.61 g/cm³

Density measurement

The density measurement was carried out with the DLO-M1 density sensors for liquids. For this purpose, the sensors were each flushed with tetrachloroethylene. Using the logging function, one measured value per second was recorded for density and temperature. As a reference, the density was measured with the laboratory measuring instrument DSA 5000 M (Anton Paar). The reference values measured at 20 °C and 30 °C were linearly interpolated to obtain the temperature-dependent density of tetrachloroethylene.

The TrueDyne sensor

The DLO-M1 sensor measures the density of liquids in a microelectromechanical system (MEMS system). Within the MEMS system, the liquid is directed to an omega-shaped microchannel, the so-called omega chip. This tiny silicon tube – it is hardly thicker than a hair – is set into oscillation for the measurement. The density of the medium can be derived from the natural frequency of this oscillation: the denser the medium, the lower the oscillation.

DLO density sensor for liquids

The measuring system in submillimetre size enables the compact construction of the sensor. It measures just 80 x 30 x 15 mm and thus fits into even the tightest of spaces. The measured values reach the higher-level system via an RS232 interface and in the ASCII command protocol in the TrueDyne Sensors standard.


  1. Reference density measurement with laboratory density meter DSA 5000 M (Anton Paar)
  2. Inserting the sensor into the measurement setup according to figure 1
  3. Pumping the tetrachloroethylene through the density sensor by means of syringes

Measurement setup

  1. Syringe with tetrachloroethylene
  2. Density sensor DLO-M1
  3. Data evaluation
  4. Return of the medium
  5. Syringe takes up the test fluid again
DLO Sensor - Tetrachloroethylene measurement setup
Figure 1 – Measurement setup


The measurement results are shown in Figure 2. The black dashed line marks the temperature-dependent reference density, which was determined with the laboratory measuring instrument DSA 5000 M (Anton Paar). The solid black lines mark the reference density with a tolerance of ±0.5 kg/m³ (±0.0005 g/cm³). This corresponds to the maximum measurement deviation of the TrueDyne density sensor DLO-M1.

DLO Sensor - Tetrachloroethylene - Measurement results
Figure 2: Measurement results of TrueDyne DLO-M1 density sensors with tetrachloroethylene

The coloured dots mark the readings of three different TrueDyne DLO-M1 sensors. It should be noted that dynamic measurement deviations occur during the flow through the sensors: Due to the self-heating of the sensor, the sensor temperature deviates from the temperature of the incoming, colder fluid. At lower flow rates, these two temperatures converge so that in the static case the measurement deviations from the reference density values are less than ±0.1 kg/m³ (±0.0001 g/cm³).


The measurement results shown demonstrate that the TrueDyne DLO-M1 sensors achieve the specified accuracy of ±0.5 kg/m³ in density measurement even far beyond the specified density range (>1600 kg/m³ instead of ≤1000 kg/m³). By compensating for the self-heating of the sensor, even accuracies of ±0.1 kg/m³ are possible.

Do you have applications in this extended measuring range? Get in touch with us!

Sensors that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring fuel concentrations
From volume (l)
to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packaging

Other articles that might interest you

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

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Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

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Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

The aim of the study is to develop a compact, robust and maintenance free gas concentration and humidity monitoring system for industrial use in the field of inert process gases. Our multiparameter gas-monitoring system prototype allows the simultaneous measurement of the fluid physical properties (density, viscosity) and water vapor content (at ppm level) under varying process conditions.

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Wink of knowledge: Brine Water Concentration Measurement – DLO

Wink of knowledge: Brine Water Concentration Measurement – DLO

Wink of knowledge: Brine Water Concentration Measurement – DLO Density Sensor

Volume 2 | Number 2

Why this test?

When taking measurements in boreholes for the extraction of salt, the concentration measurement poses a fairly large problem. In the case of saturated brine, even slight changes in the process lead to salt deposits, which will cause every measuring device to fail in the short or long term. With this test we wanted to show that it is possible to measure the concentration of brine with our DLO.

What is a wink of knowledge?

Do you sometimes need to measure, draw or do something quickly? The speed at which you get to the result counts more than the perfect (scientific) approach. For this reason, we introduced a wink of knowledge. Science with a wink, so to speak. Our aim is not to prove anything scientifically, but to quickly demonstrate something pragmatically. If you’re interested, we would be happy to discuss these results in more detail with you and your project.

What liquids were used?

Brine water at various concentrations:

  • 26% brine
  • 15% brine

Density measurement

The density was measured with the DLO-M1 density sensor for liquids. For this purpose, the listed concentrations were passed through the sensor at a constant flow rate. Using the logging function, a reading for density and temperature was logged every second.

Brine (26.1%)

1197.109 kg/m³

at 20 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

Brine (15%)

1108.9 kg/m³

at 20 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

The TrueDyne sensor

The DLO-M1 density sensor measures the density of a fluid in a microelectromechanical system (MEMS system). Inside the sensor, the medium is passed via a pressure gradient to the so-called omega chip, which contains an omega-shaped microchannel. This vibronic measuring system generates the measured values by setting a silicon tube in the chip into resonant vibration and analysing this. This is because the quality of the vibration depends on the viscosity of the liquid in the microchannel. At the same time – and independent of the viscosity – the density of the medium can be determined via the frequency of the microchannel. Since temperature influences both viscosity and density, the temperature of the medium is also recorded in real time in the chip. This way, the temperature effect can be compensated.

DLO density sensor for liquids

The measuring system in the submillimetre range enables the compact construction of the sensor. It is only 80 x 30 x 15 mm³ small and thus fits inside even the tightest of spaces. The readings reach the higher-level system via an RS232 interface and in the ASCII command protocol in the TrueDyne Sensors standard.

Test setup

  • Determination of density at 20 °C with laboratory density meter DSA 5000 M (Anton Paar)
  • Insert the density sensor into the measurement setup as shown in the picture
  • Circulation system with pump set up for measuring brine concentration

Measurement setup

  1. Starting materials: NaCi and water
  2. Bottle: NaCi water at various concentrations
  3. Peristaltic pump (Ismatec, ISM930C)
  4. DLO density sensor
  5. Data evaluation
  6. Return of the medium
Measurement setup: VLO sensor | ethylene glycol water
Figure 1 – Measurement setup


After a short time, the saturated brine also caused drifts in our sensor (Figure 2). This is, of course, not a satisfactory solution for continuous measurement. Due to the small measuring volume in our sensor, we came up with the right idea: we dilute the brine with pure water and then calculate back to get the total volume. The flow rate is measured or controlled with our own Coriolis sensors for the smallest flow rates. With a reduction in salinity of <15%, the initial drifts could be eliminated, allowing continuous measurement (Figure 3).

Grafik_Sole_NaCI 26 %_Wissenszwinker
Figure 2 – Measurement result NaCi 26%, measured over 3 hours (axes: Y = concentration / X = time)
Grafik_Sole_NaCi-15 %_Wissenszwinker
Figure 3 – Measurement result NaCi 15%, measured over 3 hours (axes: Y = concentration / X = time)

How can this now be implemented in practice? If the flow rate of the fresh water supply and the total volume at the outlet are measured, the concentration can be determined very accurately using a linear function (Figure 4). Due to the lower salt content, drifts also no longer occur, which enables long-term measurement in the field. The slight deviation in Figure 4 is due to the measurement setup. This allowed water to evaporate over the long measurement period (which is why the proportion of NaCl in the concentration increases).

Figure 4 – Measurement result NaCi 15%, measured over 158 hours (axes: Y = concentration / X = time)

Sensors that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring fuel concentrations
From volume (l)
to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packaging

Other articles that might interest you

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

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Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

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Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

The aim of the study is to develop a compact, robust and maintenance free gas concentration and humidity monitoring system for industrial use in the field of inert process gases. Our multiparameter gas-monitoring system prototype allows the simultaneous measurement of the fluid physical properties (density, viscosity) and water vapor content (at ppm level) under varying process conditions.

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Wink of knowledge: Ethylene Glycol-Water – VLO

Wink of knowledge: Ethylene Glycol-Water – VLO

Wink of knowledge: Ethylene Glycol-Water Mixture – VLO Density and Viscosity Meter for Liquids

Volume 2 | Number 1

Why this test?

The measurements carried out are intended to show, in a series of various quick tests, how the concentration of two liquids can be controlled in operation using the VLO density and viscosity sensor.
The present measurement results show the top performance of our small sensor.

What is a wink of knowledge?

Do you sometimes need to quickly measure, draw or tinker with something?
The speed with which you arrive at the result counts more than the perfect (scientific) approach.
For this reason, we’ve introduced a wink of knowledge.
Science with a wink, so to speak.
We don’t want to prove anything scientifically, but quickly demonstrate something pragmatically.
If you’re interested, we’d be happy to discuss these results in more detail with you and your project.

What liquids were used?

  • Ethylene glycol

    Carl Roth (art. no.: 2441.4)
  • Deionised water

Density measurement

The density was measured using the VLO density and viscosity sensor for liquids.
For this purpose, the listed mixtures were passed through the sensor at a constant flow rate.
By means of the logging function, one measured value per second was recorded for density, temperature, pressure and reference density.

Ethylene glycol (C2H6O2)

1,113.37 kg/m³ 2

at 20 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

Water (H2O)

998.21 kg/m³

at 20 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

The TrueDyne sensor

The VLO-M1 viscosity sensor measures the viscosity of a liquid in a microelectromechanical system (MEMS system).
The medium is guided in the sensor via a pressure gradient to the so-called omega chip, which contains an omega-shaped microchannel.
This vibronic measuring system generates the measured values by setting a silicon tube in the chip into resonant vibration and analysing this.
This is because the vibration quality depends on the viscosity of the liquid in the microchannel.
At the same time – and independent of the viscosity – the density of the medium can be determined via the frequency of the microchannel.
Since temperature influences both viscosity and density, the temperature of the medium is also recorded in the chip in real time.
In this way, the temperature effect can be compensated for.

The measuring system in the submillimetre range enables the compact construction of the sensor.
Measuring just 80 x 30 x 15 mm (36,000 mm³), there is room for it in even the tightest of spaces.
The measured values reach the higher-level system via an RS232 interface and in the ASCII command protocol in the TrueDyne Sensors standard.

VLO density and viscosity sensor for liquids


  1. Purification of ethylene glycol and determination of purity through density measurement with a laboratory density meter DSA 5000 M (Anton Paar)
  2. Mixing of water on a laboratory scale (Kern, PCB 1000-2) to produce different target concentrations (w/w) as a reference.
  3. Inserting the viscosity sensor into the measurement setup according to the sketch
  4. Pumping the ethylene glycol-water mixture through the viscosity sensor

Measurement setup

  1. Ethylene glycol / water mixture
  2. Peristaltic pump (Ismatec, ISM930C)
  3. Temperature basin (Julabo, F 34)
  4. VLO density and viscosity sensor
  5. Evaluation calculator
  6. Hose (media supply)
  7. Hose (media removal)
Measurement setup: VLO sensor | ethylene glycol-water
Figure 1 – Measurement setup


The following table shows the measured values obtained for ethylene glycol concentrations of between 0 and 60%.

Ethylene glycol water_table_measured_values concentrations
Table 1 – Measured values for concentrations of between 0 and 60%

In the following graph, the measurement deviation is plotted against the reference ethylene glycol concentration.
Over the entire measuring range (0 to 60% ethylene glycol), the maximum concentration deviation is less than 0.4%.

In addition to the direct output of the ethylene glycol concentration, other applications are conceivable, such as the direct output of the freezing point of the ethylene glycol-water mixture.

Graphic_Ethylene glycol-water mixture
Figure 2 – Measurement deviation in the tested measurement range between 0 and 60%

Sensors that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring fuel concentrations
From volume (l)

to mass (kg)

Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packaging

Other articles that might interest you

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

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Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

read more
Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

The aim of the study is to develop a compact, robust and maintenance free gas concentration and humidity monitoring system for industrial use in the field of inert process gases. Our multiparameter gas-monitoring system prototype allows the simultaneous measurement of the fluid physical properties (density, viscosity) and water vapor content (at ppm level) under varying process conditions.

read more

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

Welcome to 2021

It is a pleasure for us to be at your disposal again this year for exciting applications
with our sensors.

Do you currently have a question about the density and or viscosity of media?
Contact us! We look forward to hearing from you


Your TrueDyne Sensors AG


Contact us. Just fill out the form and send it off.
We look forward to receiving your message. You will usually receive an answer within 2 business days.

Your data will be processed to enable us to contact you. Take a look at our privacy policy for more information an.

Our highlights

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

read more
Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

read more
Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Christmas 2020

Christmas 2020

Vacation close-down 2020/21

We treat ourselves to a little time off and have closed our office from 12/24/2020 to 01/03/2021.

On this way we wish our customers, partners and friends relaxing, healthy holidays and a happy new year!

We will be happy to be at your disposal again from January 4, 2021.

The team of Truedyne Sensors AG

Our 2020 Highlights

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

read more
Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

read more
Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash

Congratulations. Philipp Gurtner – Electronics engineer (EFZ) – best of the year

Congratulations. Philipp Gurtner – Electronics engineer (EFZ) – best of the year

LoRaWan Sensorinterface
LoRaWan Sensor interface – IPA result

Mobile sensor interface for the DGF-I1 gas density sensor

We congratulate Philipp Gurtner on passing his EFZ electronics engineer exam as the best of his year!

TrueDyne: Philipp, what was your thesis (IPA) about?
Philipp: In my IPA I developed a mobile sensor interface for the DGF-I1 gas density sensor. The sensor interface runs the sensor with batteries and reads out the current process values. These are sent via the low-power IoT protocol LoRaWAN. Thus, the sensor interface with sensor can act as a self-sufficient measuring station and wirelessly monitor a plant.

My task was to develop an electronic system that handles the battery management, reads the measurement data, interprets them and sends them to a cloud platform.

TrueDyne: Why did you choose TrueDyne Sensors AG for your training?
Philipp: TrueDyne gave me good support, many possibilities and freedom. The team spirit is very motivating for the daily work.

TrueDyne: What did you enjoy most about your project?
Philipp: The many different tasks in the project brought many exciting things. I found it great to get to know many new things and to work with radio technology.

TrueDyne: What was the biggest challenge in your project?
Philipp: My biggest challenge was the software. I had to go through a steep learning curve in real-time operating systems. This allowed me to learn a lot and it was still a lot of fun when it worked.

TrueDyne: In which direction are your future plans going?
Philipp: At the moment I am looking forward to another great time at TrueDyne with many interesting projects. In the near future I would like to study electrical engineering.

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l)

to mass (kg)

Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packaging

Other articles that might interest you

Wink of knowledge: Air & Nitrogen (N2) – DGF-I1

Wink of knowledge: Air & Nitrogen (N2) – DGF-I1

Wink of knowledge: Air & N2 – DGF-I1 density sensor for gases

Year 1 | Number 1

Why this test?

The measurements performed in a series of various quick tests are intended to demonstrate how precisely the DGF-I1 density sensor for gases works in operation.
Since air and nitrogen have a similar density range, the test results confirm our expectations for the DGF-I1 density sensor.

What is a wink of knowledge?

Do you sometimes need to measure, draw or make something quickly?
And the speed at which you get to the result counts more than the perfect (scientific) approach?
For this reason, we have introduced a wink of knowledge.
Science with a twinkle in its eye, so to speak.
We’re not looking to prove something scientifically, but rather to quickly demonstrate something pragmatically. If you’re interested, we would be happy to discuss these results in more detail with you and your project.

Which gases were used?

  • Nitrogen 4.5

    PanGas (material number 6430112)

  • Dry air

    Air compressor

Density measurement

The density was measured with the gas density sensor DGF-I1.
For this purpose, the listed gases were passed through the sensor for a period of time at a constant flow rate.
A logging function was used to record a reading for the density, temperature, pressure and reference density once every second.

Nitrogen (N2)

1.2503 kg/m³

at 0 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

Dry air (Air)

1.292 kg/m³

at 0 °C, 1.01325 bar abs

The TrueDyne sensor

With a diameter of 33.5 mm and a length of 63 mm, the DGF-I1 density sensor has a very compact design and fits into the smallest of spaces.
It is screwed directly into the gas pipe or gas tank with the integrated connection; a filter protects against contamination.
The readings are transmitted to the higher-level system via an RS485 interface.
The response time of 5 seconds makes a density measurement directly in the process possible – the measurement does not have to be interrupted.

Permissible media:

Hydrogen (H2) • Helium (He) • Nitrogen (N2) • Oxygen (O2) • Carbon dioxide (CO2) • Argon (Ar)

Media which differ from the media listed above can be used after individual clarification, if necessary.
For example Neon (Ne) and Krypton (Kr).


DGF-I1 density sensor with size indication
DGF-I1 density sensor for gases

Density: <0.1 kg/m³

Temperature: <0.8 °C

Pressure: <0.04 bar

With field adjustment density <0.05 kg/m³


Density: <0.015 kg/m³

Temperature: <0.06 °C

Pressure: <0.005 bar

Permissible density measuring range:

0.2 … 19 kg/m³


Permissible pressure range:

measurement range:

1…10 bar (absolute)

Gas mixtures with argon (Ar) only up to

max. 9 bar (abs) must be used.

Burst pressure 30 bar

Test setup

Figure 1 shows the structure of the test station.
Five thermal mass flow controllers (MFC) connected in parallel allowed the various pure gases to flow through the sensor in alternation.
The installation of the exhaust at the side opening of the sensor favours the gas exchange in the housing, which optimises the reaction time.


  1. Gas supply
  2. MFC: Vögtlin red-y GSC-B9SA-BB23
  3. Static mixer: Swagelok
  4. Density sensor: TrueDyne DGF-I1
Design of gas mixer for wink of knowledge test
Figure 1 – Design of gas mixer


In order to better assess the results of the measurements, the mean values of density, pressure, temperature, and reference density (at T = 0 °C, p = 1.01325 bar abs) were calculated.
For this purpose 100 measuring points per medium were used in the steady state.
Figure 2 shows the reaction time and stability of the measured values as well as the reference density output by DGF-I1 and the calculated reference density at 0 °C under atmospheric pressure of 1.01325 bar abs.


  1. Reference density Air – dry air
  2. Reference density N2 – nitrogen

A. Data extract table A

B. Data extract Table B

The maximum deviation of the DGF-I1 (density: <0.1 kg/m³) is clearly outside the scale of Figure 2
Table 1 - Mean values of the readings
Table 1 – Calculation of mean values and reference density
Wink of knowledge_air and N2_graphic
Figure 2 – Measurement results for air and N2
Figures 3 and 4 show the frequency distributions of the measured reference densities and help to visualise the repeatability of the gas density sensor.
The same readings were used as for the mean value calculations; the class width was defined as 0.001 kg/m³ for both media.
Figure 1 - Distribution of reference density - N2 nitrogen
Figure 3 – Distribution of reference density – Air dry air
Figure 2 - Distribution of reference density - Air dry air
Figure 4 – Distribution of reference density – N2 nitrogen
The fields A and B marked in Figure 2 show the origin of the raw data of tables A (second 5…15) and table B (second 160…170).
Wink of knowledge_air and N2_cutout Table A
Table A – Measurement results air and N2 – second 5..15
Wink of knowledge_air and N2_cutout Table B
Table B – Measurement results air and N2 – second 160..170

Sensors that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packaging

Other articles that might interest you

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

Wink of Knowledge: Improved methanol/water concentration model for fuel cells

A new concentration model for methanol / water mixtures is shown. The model covers a wide range of process conditions: At temperatures of 0-80°C, concentrations of 0-100% can be calculated from the density with an accuracy of ± 0.2%. The direct methanol fuel cell (DMFC) is an important application for this as the power source of the future.

read more
Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Wink of Knowledge: smart mass flow controller

Discover the future of precise gas flow control with the innovative Smart Mass Flow Controller from TrueDyne Sensors AG. In cooperation with IST AG, we have developed a pioneering device capable of measuring density, temperature, pressure and mass flow – all in one sensor. Designed for flexibility and accuracy, this controller automatically adapts to different pure gases and binary gas mixtures, ensuring optimal performance. Learn more about this groundbreaking solution at TrueDyne Sensors AG.

read more
Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Article: In-line measurements of the physical and thermodynamic properties of single and multicomponent liquids

Microfluidic devices are becoming increasingly important in various fields of pharmacy, flow chemistry and healthcare. In the embedded microchannel, the flow rates, the dynamic viscosity of the transported liquids and the fluid dynamic properties play an important role. Various functional auxiliary components of microfluidic devices such as flow restrictors, valves and flow meters need to be characterised with liquids used in several microfluidic applications.

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Article: Density and Concentration Measurement Applications for Novel MEMS-based Micro Densitometer for Gas

Article: Density and Concentration Measurement Applications for Novel MEMS-based Micro Densitometer for Gas

Density and Concentration Measurement Applications for Novel MEMS-based Micro Densitometer for Gas

C. Huber, TrueDyne Sensors AG, Reinach BL (Switzerland), Endress+Hauser Flowtec, Reinach BL (Switzerland)


A MEMS cantilever based resonant device for gas monitoring actuated and sensed piezoelectrically, has been designed, simulated, fabricated and tested. Aluminum Nitride (AlN) has been used as active material to implement the piezoelectric actuator and sensor. Simulation performed using COMSOL and measurements show a very good agreement. The final system, the full sensor for gas monitoring, allows the measurement of gas density and viscosity at temperatures between 0 and 60 °C and pres-sures between 1 and 10 bar abs. with accuracies of <0.03 kg/m3 and 6% respectively. A second tech-nological run that aims to improve the viscosity accuracy is ongoing.

18. GMA/ITG-Fachtagung Sensoren und Messsysteme 2016
2016-05-10 – 2016-05-11
Nürnberg, Germany
SMSI 2020
Sensors and Instrumentation
4.2 New aspects in gas detection

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(english version)

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Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
©Article: AMA 10.5162/sensoren2016/4.2.2- 2016

Article: Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of piezoelectric MEMS Cantilever for Gas Density and Viscosity Sensors Applications

Article: Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of piezoelectric MEMS Cantilever for Gas Density and Viscosity Sensors Applications

Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of piezoelectric MEMS Cantilever for Gas Density and Viscosity Sensors Applications

A. Mehdaoui¹, C. Huber¹, J. Becker¹, F. Schraner¹, L. Villanueva²
¹TrueDyne Sensors AG, Reinach BL (Switzerland), ²Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland)


This paper explores applications of recently released MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) – based process densitometer for gas. The core of the sensor is a resonating silicon microtube which is flowed through by the process gas. Due to the very low density of silicon and the fact that the tube is resonating in a vacuum cavity very good density sensitivity is achieved even for low fluid densities. The sensor therefore perfectly suits gas density applications with a medium pressure between 5 and 20 bar. The microfluidic sensor has density and temperature measurement capabilities. Additionally pressure is monitored along the fluidic path. From these measured physical properties, real time quality information of the measured gas such as molar mass, reference density, specific gravity, gas composition and calorific value can be derived. Process applications are demonstrated with experimental and theoretical results.

SMSI 2020
(did not take place because of Covid-19 virus pandemic)
SMSI 2020
Sensors and Instrumentation
A6 MEMS Sensors
Article MEMS-Cantilever - Page 1
Article MEMS-Cantilever - Page 2

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(english version)

Link to AMA

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Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
©Article: AMA DOI 10.5162/SMSI2020/A6.1 – 2020

Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

Article: Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System

A Multiparameter Gas-Monitoring System Combining Functionalized and Non-Functionalized Microcantilevers

C. Huber¹, A. Mehdaoui¹, M. P. P. Pina² ³, J.J. Morales²,
¹TrueDyne Sensors AG, 4153 Reinach BL, Switzerland, ²Nanoscience Institute of Aragon (INA), University of Zaragoza, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain, ³Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Aragon (ICMA), Universidad de Zaragoza-CSIC, 50009 Zaragoza, Spain


Ziel der Arbeit ist es, ein kompaktes, robustes und wartungsfreies Gaskonzentrations- und Feuchteüberwachungssystem für den industriellen Einsatz im Bereich der inerten Prozessgase zu entwickeln. Unser Prototyp eines Multiparameter-Gasüberwachungssystems ermöglicht die gleichzeitige Messung der thermophysikalischen Eigenschaften (Dichte, Viskosität) sowie des Wasserdampfgehalts (im ppm-Bereich) unter verschiedenen Prozessbedingungen. Dieser Ansatz wird durch die Kombination von funktionalisierten und nicht funktionalisierten Mikro-Cantilevern in einer einzigen Messplattform ermöglicht. Die Genauigkeit der Dichte- und Viskositätsmessung mit nicht funktionalisierten Mikro-Cantilevern wird für verschiedenen Gase über einen breiten Temperatur- und Druck- Bereich ausgewertet. Für die Feuchtemessung werden mikroporöses Y-Typ-Zeolith und mesoporöses Siliciumdioxid MCM48 als Sensormaterialien verwendet und charakterisiert. Eine leicht skalierbare Funktionalisierungsmethode für die Produktion mit hohem Durchsatz wird dabei angestrebt. Experimentelle Ergebnisse mit funktionalisierten Mikro-Cantilevern, die Wasserdampf (im ppm-Bereich) ausgesetzt sind, zeigen, dass Frequenzveränderungen nicht allein auf einen Masseneffekt zurückzuführen sind, sondern dass auch Steifigkeitseffekte in Abhängigkeit von der Wasser-Adsorption und der Temperatur berücksichtigt werden müssen. Um diese Hypothese zu stützen, wurde die mechanische Reaktion solcher Mikro-Cantilever modelliert, wobei sowohl die Effekte als auch die simulierten Ergebnisse durch Vergleich mit experimentellen Daten validiert wurden.

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(english version)

Link to MDPI

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Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
©Article: Special Issue MFHS 2019

Part 3 – MEMS technology

Part 3 – MEMS technology

MEMS technology

At a glance
In the previous section (part 2) we got to know the vibration measuring method. This section deals with the establishment of MEMS technology at TrueDyne Sensors AG. The technology has brought about the MEMS sensor, the heart of which is an oscillating silicon measuring channel. Compared to conventional resonator technology, it combines numerous advantages. These range from its small size and a wide range of applications to the exact determination of the density of gases, even at low pressure, and an extremely fast reaction time.

Part 2 – The resonator density measurement

Part 2 – The resonator density measurement

The resonator density measurement

At a glance
In the previous part (1) we learned about the basics of density measurement and the definition of density. This section is dedicated to the vibration method which is also used by density sensors for density measurement. This method also has some advantages and disadvantages, which are explained in detail.

Part 1 – Density measurement basics

Part 1 – Density measurement basics

Density measurement basics

At a glance
This section gives you a first insight into the basics of density measurement. You will learn that density is a temperature and pressure-dependent substance property which is often specified with the unit kg/m3 or lb/ft3. The density value is required for determining concentration, average molecular weight and content. For finding the density of gases, it must be noted that this density depends on the respective pressure. The density of liquids depends on the temperature.

Rethink the workplace – Steffen Zehnle

Rethink the workplace – Steffen Zehnle

A rock in the surf

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our R&D System Engineer Dr.-Ing. Steffen Zehnle.

Being active in production and keeping the projects on track

Present and future – home office and production. Steffen Zehnle moves skilfully in these different worlds during the current Covid-19 situation. Whether it’s the incoming inspection of our omega chips (see picture), the encapsulation of sensors or the advancement of current projects, Steffen is always present in a precise and structured way.

It is a pleasure to have such flexible and enthusiastic colleagues at TrueDyne.

« Character is not revealed by great deeds;
human nature is revealed by small things. »
Wilhelm Busch

Thank you for your commitment in this not so easy time. We appreciate your support and your flexibility.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture credit Wilhelm Busch: Anonym, Wilhelm Busch 1878, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the workplace – Joel Becker

Rethink the workplace – Joel Becker

The Marathon Man

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Electronics Engineer EFZ Joel Becker.

Home sweet home

During the first Covid-19 cases, Joel Becker was on a service operation for us in Italy. When he returned to Switzerland he had to stay at home in quarantine for two weeks. After that we started with the extended home office. If anyone in our team is now a home office professional, it is definitely Joel Becker.

It’s nice to see that despite these circumstances he continues to successfully advance our project.

« The happiness of life does not consist in having little or no difficulties,
but to overcome them all victoriously and gloriously. »
Carl Hilty

Thank you for your commitment in this not so easy time. We (and the espresso machine) are looking forward to welcoming you (hopefully) back to the office soon.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture credit Carl Hilty: Unknown author, Carl Hilty 1833 1909, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the Workplace – Alexandre Mehdaoui

Rethink the Workplace – Alexandre Mehdaoui

Modelling and simulations

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce you to our R&D Project Manager MEMS colleague Alexandre Mehdaoui.

Swinging into the future

Alexandre Medahoui is responsible for the development of the next generation of MEMS chips at TrueDyne. Since he has been working for us, his workplace changes regularly. Whether it is from the office to the laboratory or into the clean room for the production of test MEMS chips. Since the Covid-19 situation, he bravely stays at home and uses the time to develop and simulate new models.

« But research strives and struggles, never tiresome,
according to the law, the reason, why and how. »
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Thank you Alexandre for making sure that our timetable of product innovations stays on schedule. By the way, if you want to know more about Alexandre’s work here is the link.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture credit Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: Joseph Karl Stieler creator QS:P170,Q467658, Goethe (Stieler 1828), partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the Education – Philipp Gurtner

Rethink the Education – Philipp Gurtner

Don’t put the saying on the back burner – work on the long table

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Apprentice Electronics Engineer EFZ Philipp Gurtner.

An individual project work (IPA) that has it all

Philipp Gurtner joined TrueDyne for the 4th year of apprenticeship. In our small team the conditions for the intensive support of an IPA are optimal. This year, however, everything is different. Instead of briefly asking a colleague for advice over the desk, he has to find himself and his supervisors virtually new.

Due to the Covid 19 situation Philipp Gurtner now has to deal with new work in addition. This is a lesson that he can certainly use in his professional career.

« Man should learn, only the oxen cram. »
Erich Kästner

Thank you for your commitment in this not so easy time. We are looking forward to welcoming you (hopefully) soon back in the office.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture credit Erich Kästner: Basch, […] / Opdracht Anefo, Erich Kästner 1961, cutt-of from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink employee management- Josua Ritter

Rethink employee management- Josua Ritter

Leadership from a distance

Rethink Sensing is not just our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Managing Director Josua Ritter to you.

So close yet so far

A leader is only as good as his employees when he is not there. Our managing director Josua Ritter temporarily moved his “command center” home. A change that is not easy for him as a direct communicator. Whether it’s a personal word with employees, customers or suppliers.

Remarkable how calmly he has adapted to the circumstances and leads the team through the Covid-19 situation regardless of his location.

« Treat people as if they were what they should be, and help them become what they can be. »
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Would you also like to get in touch with Joshua Ritter? Use one of the following options:

Phone +41 61 715 62 12

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit Johann Wolfgang von Goethe:  Joseph Karl Stieler creator QS:P170,Q467658, Goethe (Stieler 1828), partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the Workplace – Sandro Schwab

Rethink the Workplace – Sandro Schwab

From new workplace to new workplace

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our R&D Engineer Software colleague Sandro Schwab.

His code becomes your solution

In January 2020 we welcomed Sandro Schwab to our team as a new software developer. After he has set up his workplace in our TechCenter in Reinach, he is now allowed to optimize his workplace at home due to the Covid-19 situation.

No matter where his workplace is, he is and remains an important support for the development of new sensors at TrueDyne.

« An investment in knowledge still yields the best interest. »
Benjamin Franklin

Thank you for your commitment in this not so easy time. We are looking forward to welcoming you (hopefully) soon back in the office.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit  Benjamin Franklin: AnonymousUnknown authorAfter Joseph Duplessis artist QS:P170,Q4233718,P1877,Q2286906, BenFranklinDuplessis, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the development- Fabio Schraner

Rethink the development- Fabio Schraner

Accuracy and flexibility

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our R&D Engineer Hardware colleague Fabio Schraner.

Develop – Test, Test, Test – Release

Fabio Schraner is our hardware hero. Whether well-behaved in the home office or if necessary (see picture) in the laboratory. He knows how to organize himself. During the current Covid-19 situation he manages to advance our hardware development on site and in the home office and to support the product wherever possible.

« Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination wherever you want. »
Albert Einstein

Thanks Fabio for making sure that the development of our future products stays on schedule.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit Albert Einstein: Ferdinand Schmutzer creator QS:P170,Q370800, Einstein 1921 portrait2, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink the production – Ragnar von Möllendorff

Rethink the production – Ragnar von Möllendorff

In peace lies the strength

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Technical Engineering and Operations colleague Ragnar von Möllendorff.

Adjustment of the calibration

Ragnar von Möllendorf is our man, if something needs to be tested in the short term, he is ready with material and action.

He is responsible for the calibration equipment, the heart of our sensor production. During the current Covid-19 situation he manages to keep our calibration systems running on site and via remote access.

« Quality is no coincidence, it is always the result of hard thinking. »
John Ruskin

Thank you, Ragnar, for making sure our production doesn’t come to a stop.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit John Ruskin: Unknown author, John Ruskin 1850s 2, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink your Workplace – Martin Ph. Hug

Rethink your Workplace – Martin Ph. Hug

Vision in sales

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our Sales Manager Martin Ph. Hug.

With vision in consulting

Anyone who knows Martin Ph. Hug knows that he seeks direct contact. He calls it “having a face” and means how important the personal level is in sales.

It is almost unimaginable that he has to spend his time in front of a computer monitor because of the Covid-19 situation. Thanks to the online Chat which can be activated via our website, you still have the possibility to be close by despite the distance.

« One must try the impossible to achieve the possible. »
Hermann Hesse

If he has not already reached you, you can contact him using the following options:

Phone +41 61 715 55 82

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit Hermann Hesse: Gret Widmann (†1931), Hermann Hesse 1927 Photo Gret Widmann, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink new heroism – Nicole Talmon-Gros

Rethink new heroism – Nicole Talmon-Gros

Our heroine in production

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. Today we introduce our production heroine Nicole Talmon-Gros.

The world stands still – production runs

Nicole Talmon-Gros is the driving force in our sensor production. Be it in the coordination of the various employees, the production of sensors or in the planning of the next steps. With her structured approach and clear communication she helps the team to get through the current Covid-19 situation.

« Only bourgeois measure a personality on the profane scale of production. »
Oscar Wilde

Thank you Nicole Talmon-Gros for keeping the sensor production running for our customers and us.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages
Picture Credit Oscar Wilde: Napoleon Sarony creator QS:P170,Q965637, Oscar Wilde Sarony, partial cut-out from TrueDyne Sensors AG, CC0 1.0

Rethink Laboratory – Christof Huber

Rethink Laboratory – Christof Huber

Home Office Laboratory

Rethink Sensing is not only our claim but part of our DNA. As a prime example, we would like to introduce our Chief Technologist Dr. phil. nat. Christof Huber.

Special situations require special solutions

Christof Huber is one of our leading research employees for whom the idea of a home office is hard to imagine. In addition to the highly complex formulas and the development of ideas, trial and error is very close to his heart.

Do not always follow the path that has been marked out, which only leads to where others have already gone.
Alexander Graham Bell

As you can see on the picture, he has turned his home office into a home lab. A big thank you to his family, who made it possible for Christof Huber to continue to develop new sensors in this Covid-19 situation.

Other articles that might interest you

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages

5 Year TrueDyne

5 Year TrueDyne

5 years TrueDyne Sensors AG

After TrueDyne Sensors AG was already registered in the commercial register in September 2014, the journey officially began in February 2015 and we would like to thank all current and former employees who have helped make TrueDyne Sensors AG what it is today. “Rethink Sensing” is not only our claim but our DNA.

What makes TrueDyne Sensors AG special?

The continuous measurement of material properties of gas and liquids enables maximum process reliability. The quality as well as the composition of fluids are specified by our sensors on the basis of density and viscosity.

Based on smallest sensor technology and novel physical models, TrueDyne Sensors AG generates real added value for customers. “Rethink Sensing” The MEMS technology not only shifts the quality laboratory closer to the “Lab to Process” process, but also into the “Lab into the Process” process.

  • Density measurement of fuel, Oil and water-based liquids to determine mass or composition monitoring
  • Viscosity measurement of fuels/Oil to monitor the quality
  • Gas density measurement for quality control of gas mixtures (welding gas or MAP-gases) or clean gas quality monitoring.

Applications that might interest you

Monitoring of fuel concentrations
From volume (l) to mass (kg)
Monitoring of welding gas mixtures
Monitoring of gas mixtures for food packages

Isaac Newton *04.01.1643greg

Isaac Newton *04.01.1643greg

Today would have been Isaac Newton’s birthday. Our viscosity sensor VLO-M1 loves Newtonian fluids. Thank you for that.

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