Design, Simulation, Fabrication and Characterization of piezoelectric MEMS Cantilever for Gas Density and Viscosity Sensors Applications
¹TrueDyne Sensors AG, Reinach BL (Switzerland), ²Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne (Switzerland)
This paper explores applications of recently released MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System) – based process densitometer for gas. The core of the sensor is a resonating silicon microtube which is flowed through by the process gas. Due to the very low density of silicon and the fact that the tube is resonating in a vacuum cavity very good density sensitivity is achieved even for low fluid densities. The sensor therefore perfectly suits gas density applications with a medium pressure between 5 and 20 bar. The microfluidic sensor has density and temperature measurement capabilities. Additionally pressure is monitored along the fluidic path. From these measured physical properties, real time quality information of the measured gas such as molar mass, reference density, specific gravity, gas composition and calorific value can be derived. Process applications are demonstrated with experimental and theoretical results.
SMSI 2020
(did not take place because of Covid-19 virus pandemic)
SMSI 2020
Sensors and Instrumentation
A6 MEMS Sensors
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